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Workplace productivity can be heavily influenced by the state of your work environment. A clean and organized workspace helps set the right mindset to focus and reduces stress, as it gives employees a sense of command over their workstations. Some surveys show that the average person loses about an hour daily due to disorganization (Hidek, 2022).

Here are some ways you can organize your workspace for better productivity.

Organize Office Supplies

Ensure that all office supplies needed for your daily activities are present in your immediate environment. This will eliminate the need to step away each time you need a working pen and allow you to remain focused on your tasks. 

That being said, although having the necessary office supplies at your desk is crucial, it also helps to organize them in order of necessity. Keep frequently used items readily accessible, while supplies used less often can be stored away, ensuring they are available when needed without cluttering your immediate workspace.

Automate Recurring Tasks

While sticky notes are great for reminders, be cautious not to clutter your desk with an overload of notes. Instead, try using a notebook or digital note-taking programs to help you stay on top of due dates and deadlines. You can also use your digital calendar for follow-up reminders. This way, all of your notes remain in one place, and you don’t have to worry about taping sticky notes around your monitor. 

Create Work Zones

Depending on the nature of your job, you may require different workspaces for different tasks. For example, clear out a part of your desk if you frequently work with paperwork and need space to organize files. This will reduce frustration and aid in completing your specific tasks efficiently.

Manage Your Inbox

Email is the most commonly used method of communication in a work setting. As a result, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by a growing inbox. Try designating or blocking specific time periods each day to get caught up with emails. This will also help in reducing distractions throughout the day. 

You can also utilize labels to organize emails for easy access and email templates. This time-saving strategy eliminates the need to type out commonly sent emails from scratch every time.

Label Everything

Speaking of labels, the key to having an organized workspace is labeling (Smith, 2023). Label the everyday items in your workspace, such as shelves, drawers, and folders, with a pen, marker, or label maker if you have access to one.

Aside from labeling physical items, it is also helpful to label and organize digital folders on your computer desktops so you don’t end up with hundreds of icons. This will not only save you time and frustration when searching for a file but will also declutter your desktop.

Schedule Periodic Cleaning

A clean environment will not only make you feel good and refreshed, but it will also help you stay healthy. Dedicate time to clean your workspace periodically. By incorporating a quick end-of-day sweep, you can prevent clutter from accumulating and ensure you return to a tidy workstation the next day. Keep essential sanitizing supplies at your desk for quick and easy access.


Implementing these organizational strategies will not only streamline your workspace but also contribute to a more positive and efficient work environment. Remember, consistency is key. Once you’ve found the methods that work best for you, stick with them to ensure a clean, organized, and stress-free workspace. Happy organizing!


Hidek, C. (2022, February 7). 5 roadblocks that keep you from getting organized. Streamlined Living.

Smith, K. (2023, May 3). The importance of labeling. The Little Details.

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